We live in urgent times: our botched political climate grows darker each day, and under the reigns of a Trump presidency, the world can feel like it’s crumbling. Brooklyn post-punk quartet SIGNAL aren’t interested in finding harmony in any of this—their riotous, dissonant sound is music for the apocalypse. Their self-titled debut EP, set to release on August 10 via Ramp Local, is filled with grating noise: crunching drums flit unpredictably under the heavy distortion of a blaring guitar, played by AdHoc’s very own Carlos Salas. Wailing beneath it all is Aida Riddle, her piercing voice clambering for attention amidst the feedback.
“Dorks on Bikes,” which we’re premiering below, is the second taste of the EP. Like last month’s “BLL,” it gnarls with intensity. “Sometimes words are just the nonsense we mumble to other people to feel less alone,” SIGNAL told AdHoc over email. “You’re fucked if you do and fucked if you don’t. It sucks being with other people, but it sucks even more just being alone with yourself and your thoughts.” This reflection defines “Dorks on Bikes,” a song that ultimately feels like a raucous shout into the void.
Listen below, and be sure to also catch SIGNAL supporting Empath tonight July 11 at Trans-Pecos.