AdHoc Recipes: Mannequin Pussy’s Favorite Vegan Junk Food – AdHoc

AdHoc Recipes: Mannequin Pussy’s Favorite Vegan Junk Food

Mannequin Pussy vocalist and guitarist Marisa Dabice shares her beloved scallion pancake quesadilla recipe. And yes: it’s vegan.

Here at AdHoc, we believe in building the world you want to see using the materials at your disposal—and it’s a philosophy that applies as much to the world of music as it does to food. In AdHoc Recipes, we ask artists we love to share a jumble of ingredients that tastes delicious and brings them back to a special time and place. This month, Marisa Dabice, frontwoman of Philly punk band Mannequin Pussy, teaches readers how to make the quesadilla-scallion pancake mash-up she puts together whenever she’s craving some late-night vegan junk food, invented by her sweetheart Vinny.

This article originally appeared in print in AdHoc 29.

Vinny’s Vegan Scallion Quesadilla Pancake
Marisa Dabice: A few midnights ago, I had just gotten home from tour and was unable to sleep and feeling hungry when Vinny went into the kitchen and came back out with these. I was incredulous at first, but at first bite, I knew he had created something truly brilliant and delicious. Maybe it came to him in a dream? All hail vegan junk food. He’s added and subtracted a few things and experimented with it in a few ways since then, so please get creative with your own.
1 tablespoon peanut oil
1 scallion pancake (can be purchased frozen at any Asian supermarket: I highly recommend the brand Huntsy)
1 pack Gardein Chick’n strips
Violife vegan shredded cheddar or mozzarella cheese
Chopped green onions
Vegan ranch dressing, soy sauce, and hot sauce for dipping
Whatever other sauce you might be into
1. Cook Gardein Chick’n strips according to directions and set aside.
2. Warm peanut oil in a pan over medium heat, then add the frozen scallion pancake. Cook for 1-2 minutes on each side and keep flipping the pancake until both sides are golden brown.
3. Add Violife cheese and chick’n strips to half the scallion pancake and fold over as though you were making a quesadilla. Flip to cook evenly on both sides of the pancake.
4. When the cheese is melted, cut into triangles, sprinkle with green onions, and serve with your favorite dipping sauces. I like to use soy sauce and a vegan ranch sauce.
5. Eat. Best served as a midnight snack
